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Lindsay Calabro

Lindsay Calabro 
Board Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner


Where did you attend college? 
Undergrad: Old Dominion University (BSN)

Graduate: University of Florida (MSN)

Headshot of Lindsay Calabro, APRN

Why did you choose to work at Rainbow Pediatric Center? From my first meeting with Dr. Reddy it was obvious that RPC truly cares about the patients and their families. The goal isn’t about how many patients can be seen but about the quality of care/treatment provided. 


What do you enjoy about working with kids? I love their honesty and curiosity. I also enjoy seeing their personalities develop while they grow and meet their milestones. 


What is your area of expertise? I am board certified in pediatric primary care. I enjoy both well child care and acute sick visits but I especially enjoy health promotion. 


What do you enjoy doing when you are not at Rainbow Pediatrics? I enjoy spending time with my family, walking my dogs, exploring new places and reading. 


If you only had 3 words to describe yourself what would they be? Kind, hard-working, dependable.


What is your favorite children’s book? Oh goodness, I love so many children’s books but if I have to choose just one I would say Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough.


Tell me about your family? My husband and I have two daughters. One is a student at UF and one at FSU so we are currently navigating the empty nest phase and according two our daughters we are spoiling our two dogs way too much (no such thing in my opinion!).


One interesting fact about yourself? I have hiked a volcano.


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